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Having a beautiful and pleasing smile is something everyone wishes for. It can significantly uplift your facial and overall appearance, thus increasing your confidence levels as well. At Varni Dental, Dr. Patel, one of the best cosmetic dentists in the Bay Area, will diagnose your oral conditions thoroughly and provide the most suitable solutions to them. Here are some of the concerns that we address at Varni Dental in San Jose.
Changing the Size, Shape, and Alignment of the Teeth
Teeth that are naturally misshapen or chipped due to external trauma can ruin the smile's appearance and cause frequent embarrassment. In other instances, they may have worn down to their stubs due to excessive clenching of the jaws or grinding the teeth. Such teeth can be restored to their ideal contour and size using composite bonding, dental veneers, or ceramic crowns. In the case of misaligned teeth, they can be treated using orthodontic solutions such as braces or Invisalign.
Eliminating Displeasing Gaps Between Adjacent Teeth
The best way to make the teeth appear uniformly spaced is by getting them aligned through orthodontic solutions. You may also opt for simpler options such as composite bonding or dental veneers, which are tooth-colored restorations bonded to the teeth. The procedure is quite simple and less time-consuming, making it very convenient for the patient. Call us now.
Whiten the Teeth
The teeth may appear severely stained or discolored due to excessive consumption of colored foods, improper oral hygiene, chewing tobacco, or smoking cigarettes. The enamel is a porous layer, which absorbs the staining particles, which is why it appears discolored. We can remove such stains using our customized and convenient teeth whitening options. Some of the most popular ones are conventional in-office whitening, take-home whitening kits, and laser teeth whitening.
Restore Broken, Cracked, Chipped, or Decayed Teeth
Teeth that are damaged due to external trauma or biting anything too hard can end up being broken, cracked, or chipped. They affect oral functionality and aesthetics and increase the risk of developing a root canal infection significantly. We recommend getting them restored using dental crowns or veneers. In the case of cavities caused due to tooth decay, we will remove the decayed tissues and restore such teeth using tooth-colored filling material.
Replace Missing Teeth
Missing teeth make it extremely difficult to perform regular oral functions without any hassle. The way you bite and chew food, speak, or even smile can vary a lot. Most importantly, missing teeth can hinder your confidence levels and lead to embarrassment when someone mocks you. We recommend getting your missing teeth replaced using dental implants, as they are the closest alternative for natural teeth. If you prefer a simpler option, you may choose a dental bridge.
We request you to schedule a consultation with our dentist, Dr. Patel, to get all your oral concerns addressed at the earliest. Please call us at (408) 901-0101 or reach out through online consultation, and we'll be happy to help.